Stick figure animator blood
Stick figure animator blood

stick figure animator blood

The first part: The simple animations can easily be considered studies. I will be making matirial for this thread hopefully I can do animations justice. I will be updating this later tonight in a good situation.


We will -hopefully- come back to this.įilm navigation: If you have used a CD player you will know how to use this.Īlright Wow that is the basics of the tools, I will be getting to more meaty situations that hopefully I know or can exspress. Changing this number changes the delay between all frames so it does not have to be done for each individual time. In the “View” tool bar look at the animation properties and you will see 20. When you first make an animation and press play without changing durations it will be very slow. Use at your own discretion.įrame Duration: The duration is very important: What it is, is the pause between frames. The last is clear frame erasing but leaving behind an empty frame. Then delete frame: This will remove a frame outright. One is insert frame: it pushes the current frame forward inserting a blank frame. Loop Selection: Select what frame to what frame and you can view the looped selection of your animation.įrame selection and Frame alterations: The frame selectors are just that you can look from frame to frame.


1st: Free form 2nd: is to scale 3rd: is rotation and 4th: This will allow you to move the corners to shape a four sided polygon. Selection Scaling: This is used in direct corilation with the selection tool The corners of the selection depending on which of these you choose will alter the image in different ways when you click and drag. The shadows left behind are helpful but sometimes get in the way if you need to go back. Shadow Display: These will turn off and on the shadows that are left behind and remnant of frames you have drawn. The tones : Are only for use with the fill tool and the filled shapes. Width selection: Left click: pen Right Click Eraser: Width can be much higher for the eraser than the pen Click again another line, so on and so forth until you double click.įilled rectangle: uses width and Fill colors.įilled Circle: Width and fill colors are used. Line segment tool: Click and drag, a line is created. Line tool: Makes lines of the chosen width Note: it is not effected by the Shade selector Pencil: Uses with width selector Right click Black left click white. The display: this is your work area easy enough layout. This can let you zoom in to three times and see all of the image. The use of the program: All tool bars can be moved. I started my first easytoon animation at that size but seeing int three times larger makes for a large amount of detail in a small area. Yes that is small but there is a handy dandy zoom function. Small is not bad the default size is 160 by 120. The tools are as simple as the program, but I believe we all know that something simple is not to be looked down upon. The program is Easytoon it is free it is simle, and what it allows is the ablity to make simple 2d animations in black and white. Hello This is the first tutorial I will be doing Hopefully it turns out to be helpful.

Stick figure animator blood